Monday, July 14, 2008

Weekend Trip

This weekend I was with 50ish friends visiting Church historical sites in Ohio and New York.
It was in no way relaxing, but it was most refreshing and wonderful.
12-passenger vans led to fun times as well.  

Some highlights:
-Sacred Grove
-Hill Cumorah
-Kirtland Temple
-All the houses
-Randomly seeing a dear friend
-Hanging out with two long long long time friends
-Playing sausages and Scripture baseball in the vans
-Almost getting killed (not really, but joking about it for several days)
-Sleeping instantly whenever I got in the van in the morning

And of course, I took way more photos than perhaps may have been necessary, but that's what I love to do.  So I will have more up and a place to download them all for fellow travelers.

Photo is of the Whitney home in Kirtland, OH.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is this almost getting killed business??