Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Totally forgot

To tell this story:

Do you love your neighbor? Well, at Summerfest, you are forced to. Except you don't really have to love them when they block your view, or swear like crazy at the people around them, or are so drunk they are scary, or make it so you can't breathe because they are smoking in your face, or because they spill beer on you. So, yeah. I guess you don't have to love your neighbor. Well, you do, you just don't have to like them all that much.

While in the middle of such fine individuals last night waiting for the show, I'm standing on the bleachers, holding my spot. All of a sudden something warm, almost hot hits my leg. I think, "Why do I feel different? My leg is hot for some reason, what happened?" I reach down and the back of my leg is soaked (thank GOODNESS I was wearing jeans).

"Oh. No." I thought. "Please let it just be beer, please be beer!" Any liquid that warm and direct on one's leg can't be good.

I turn around in a frenzy to my friends behind me (none of us drink, so it wasn't them).
"Guys, something warm and wet is all over my leg! Ahh! I don't know what it is! I think someone may have..."

Friend A who got us the seats reaches over and gets her hand wet to smell it. She's intense and hard core like that.

"It's not beer. Or urine. I think it is just water."

"It BETTER be just water!"

It bugged me the rest of the night not knowing exactly what it was. Ew.

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