Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Notre Dame

Apparently the French celebrate Christmas for a while...
I would not recommend doing the tour of Paris I did this time if you have never been before. Give yourself time to do things like go inside Notre Dame and watch a service. Look at all the art and the stained glass and the confession booths. Climb the narrow stairs to the top to see out over Paris and make friends with the gargoyles. Don't be like me and just stop by again to say hello to the dirty pigeons and massive building and take pictures and wish all the people would get out of the way so you could take a picture of the entire building without people in your picture. Just sayin'...


kara hilgemeier said...

I like seeing people in the photos. Unless it's a bunch of other people taking photos.

Whitney Elizabeth said...

exactly kara. just a bunch of people taking pictures. blah.

Taryn said...

is it hard to get inside? what's the procedure for that?