Thursday, May 22, 2008


Walked into work last night and j says, "I saw Narnia and you look just like Lucy!"

Great.  Just what I wanted.  To look like an 8 year old.

j: "You know the one with the arrows!"  
r: "You mean Susan."
j: "Oh yeah, Susan.  You look just like Susan."

Ok.  I can handle that.  Especially since Susan is a female Legolas AND gets to kiss Prince Caspian.

Oh, and I think Peter's hair is perfect.  As is Caspian's (just needs to be a bit shorter, but still quite lovely).


1 comment:

Taryn said...

oooh, he does have nice hair. this pic of her does sort of look like you. your face is thinner though. you'd make a great susan. or lucy. lol. i can just picture little whitney as lucy. cute teeth and voice and all. :)