Sunday, May 11, 2008


J: "Do you have a basement."
W: "Err... um... no..."
J: "Really?  You don't have one?"
W: "Uh... Dad, he wants to know if we have a basement."
D: "Hah!  There is about this much floor space available."
W: "The only redeeming quality about our basement is that there is a bag of Reese's Pieces down there that you can have a bite of." 

Think Hansel and Gretel people.

Oh basements.  You are either wickedly cool or stuffed with several generations of stuff.  I wouldn't want to be you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Reese's Pieces have been moved to the first floor. Now no one will want down into the basement. Except Tr. hehe