Saturday, May 10, 2008

Bridal Showers

They are interesting things.  
Personally, they should only last 1.5 hours.  None of this 3+ hours stuff.
This time, we had strict instructions to not play/win the games because we always win.
Welp, out of the 3 games, L won the one where we drew something on top of our heads and I won a prize just for having a heart on my piece of paper... oiy.

At my sister's shower, I had a friend help out.  He was our "bartender."  I think all the crazy fun girls forgot he was there.  Afterwards he said, "So that's how girls act when boys aren't around! I couldn't believe how much they ate!"  
Yeah, they ate a ton, were out of control, and really loud.  But it was dang fun :)

Someday, I hope to go to a shower like this girl would put on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha, I remember that! I learned so much about girls that night! I was telling the experience to a friend:

"bartender": the girls forgot I was there. yeah I learned more about girls that night...I actually got to be the fly on the wall.
friend: what'd you learn?
"bartender": you eat like guys when we're not around.
friend: haha, ok, yeah. I'll give you that.
"bartender": and you talk about guys like we do girls.
friend: dang, you can't let our secrets out!
"bartender": why not, it was so educational!
friend: well.. because you're not supposed to know.
"bartender": well, what's it worth to you?
friend: what?! not that much. (w/ roll of the eyes)

the "bartender"