Sunday, November 30, 2008

Haleiwa - Storytelling - Film

Haleiwa was probably my favorite place on the North Shore.
We set off to do storytelling through photographs of this city.  
Things to note (in no particular order):
1) best shaved ice ever.  greatly exceeded my expectations.
2) the guy by the car found out I was from the mainland and pretended to hit me with that large plastic bottle.
3) "tripple crown" is spelled wrong and is referring to the huge surf competition coming up.
4) there was junk everywhere and the marina had boats that looked abandoned, but were not.
5) this house was half outside and they were selling food.
6) the guy at the gas station was huge.
7) I barely did anything to these pictures.  very, very little editing. oh how i wish blogger made them look like they do.


Anonymous said...

You captured native Hawaii.

Lindsay said...

love the pictures. i echo nonie's comment.

Anonymous said...

I could use a little Hawaii right about now.

Jonathan Canlas said...

um, flat out, the shot of the surfboard getting waxed? or just sitting there on some stand by itself...mind blowing. hot hot heat.