Thursday, April 24, 2008

Concert junkie

Ok. I'm a concert junkie. Whatcanisay.

A few weeks ago, I was attending the concert of a band whose shows I have a slight obsession of having to see. I was excited because this time, I was going to have my bad boy camera. Oh, the pictures I would take! They would be out of this world! Wrong-O.

They were blurry or the flash had to go off in order for my camera to even capture anything. Boo I said. Boo.

My amazing former Family Home Evening mom, Heather, helped me earlier with photog questions. She directed me to the way-too-cool-for-school sister-in-law of hers, Natalie.
Now I know Natalie is busy being awesome, but I thought I'd bug her anyway about how to take good pictures at concerts.
The results we came up with? Open up that shutter, be as close as possible, and only plan on a good picture when there is enough light on stage for our fussy cameras to be happy. Got more experience with this? Help us out please!

This is Michael Buble. Go to his concert if you want to feel like you are in an old movie at a night club. I recommend it.

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