This little guy puts up the biggest fits when he has to get sunscreen put on. Poor thing has transparent skin so there is no getting out of it. He absolutely hates it. He tries to ask other people if he can get out of it, recommends that he'll just stay inside, & suggests that he will wear lots of clothes instead (he's a smart lil guy). As I was putting it on his pure skin at the beach last week, he asked through his cries why he had to get it. I said, "It's like a helmet for your skin." (ps: he loves helmets)
I can't think of one person who likes putting sunscreen on. Especially at the beach. But we have to do it. Some of us more than others. We spread that greasy stuff all over our never ending bodies while sand creeps in and sticks around uninvited. There is no winning in the war against sand. The whole thing is irritating and uncomfortable. But we have to do it.
There are so many things in life that no one likes to do that we have to do. Some of us have more uncomfortable tasks than others, but we all have them. There is no getting around them. Well, actually there is. We could not do them, just like we could not put on sunscreen. But oh how those consequences hurt. And possibly ruin an otherwise pleasant time in our life. Just like a burned lobster red back ruins a good night sleep or time at the pool on our vacation.
So how do we get around these irritating and undesirable tasks? We don't. We just do them and learn that sometimes a little sacrifice of comfort for a short period leads to a better life in the long run. I will still hate putting on sunscreen, just like Sammy. But I'll do it because I know the pain otherwise. And isn't a tan so much more fun than a burn? Thanks for the lesson, sunscreen.