Sunday, August 2, 2009

Ate too much, again...

My lovely cousin was in Chicago for work, so we rolled down to spend time with her. We went out for pizza (with the best crust) and dessert. I went to this delicious restaurant for dessert last year and recommended we get dessert there. Everything was yummy and I was so full.
Then we headed back to my cousin's hotel to see the view of N. Michigan Ave and Lake Michigan. I guess the Yankees were staying there too.

Kara is so fun to be with.


Mom said...

Four pizzas, 2 large oreos, a large white hot chocolate, a plateful of cookies, 4 doughnuts and caramel corn dipped in fudge sauce, a large peppermint patty, and one whopper dessert is too much?

Taryn said...

are you kidding me????

yum yum yum.

nothing left over to bring home?

kara hilgemeier said...

i just gained another 5 lbs looking at these photos!

Tarnation said...

This entry looks like one giant chocolate bar.