This is Edward Hilgemeier, Jr. He is my grandfather. This is the only picture we have of him. He started the whole unearthing of the quiz show scandals in the 1950's. I saw a picture of him on a show on PBS once and one in TIME a few years ago, but my cousin found these today:
They are from LIFE magazine. The first one has my Nana in it (pregnant with my mom) and my uncle as a baby. I've never seen a picture of them together, let alone my Nana during that time period.
See the captions here.
Read about him here.
Wow. Nana is about our age. These are fun and sort of weird to see.
Is your grandfather still alive? I am so into the whole quiz show scandals yet I can't find anything on your grandfather. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Your grandfather is seen in this TO TELL THE TRUTH game show episode from 1957. He is contestent #3 in the second segment. He identifies himself as Eddie Hilgemeier.
My father was best friends with your grandfather. Please provide an email address for contact purposes as he has a lot of personal letters, pictures, and old newspaper clippings when they were friends. -My name is Eddie too.
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